Circuitos a Samaná

"Walk through Samaná and leave only your footprints"

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Socioeconomic data

You just have to live in the simplicity and naturalness of this beautiful place.

The Samaná economy currently depends on tourism, agriculture and fishing. Tourism is growing and its offer is interesting based on small accommodations that mainly offer breakfast.


They are small establishments, which allow the guest to get to know the surroundings, enjoy the beaches and discover the local gastronomic offer. Samaná offers a relaxed, relaxed, happy atmosphere that invites you to rest and enjoy. Many foreigners who decided to make Samaná their home express having discovered that to be happy... you just have to live in the simplicity and simplicity of this beautiful place.

Socioeconomic data

The Provincial Human Development Index (HDI), calculated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), differs from the Human Development Index (HDI), which is applied at the global
level, by using information and indicators available at the provincial level, which better reflect the reality of the territory.

The values of the HDI range from 0 to 1, so the closer to unity the values observed by a province, the better its performance in the HDI will have been. Samaná ranks ninth in the provincial index, with a value of 0.487, classifying it with a Medium-High Human Development; that is, below the national average HDI (0.513).

Economic Structure of the Province of Samaná

According to the Plan for the Local Economic Development of the Province of Samaná, the areas where the province of Samaná have evidence of greater potential and where the promotion and support of
public policy should be concentrated were identified.


The economic analysis was carried out by the Institute for Regional Development of the School of Government and Public Transformation of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, with the aim of identifying
clusters with opportunities for development and consolidation, which provide current use and have potential for sustainable growth in the long term. The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development
(MEPyD) validated the results of the study.

Agriculture and Fisheries Sector

Fishing is a predominant economic activity in the region. The Fishermen's Association is identified and the aim is to develop sport fishing. In agriculture, coconut cultivation is the most important; Cocoa, yams, yautia, grass, among others, are also grown.

Tourism Sector

The province of Samaná was decreed as a Tourist Pole. It attracts for its ecotourism, nature tourism, sun and beach. Whale watching is a major occurrence.

Logistics sector

The Port of Samaná is the recipient of tourist activity such as cruise ships and ferries, but there is little commercial activity. El Catey International Airport receives international flights from Europe and North America.